About the American Coastal Coalition
We Are Coastal America's Voice In Washington, DC
What We Do
The American Coastal Coalition is the leading voice for the nation’s coastal communities and beaches. We are dedicated to promoting and preserving coastal economies, environments, and cultures through active engagement with Congress, Federal agencies, the Executive Branch, as well as our member communities and grassroots membership. ACC is committed to ensuring America's coastal communities have a unified voice speaking to the Federal Government in response to climate change and sea level rise.
We are experts in the Corps process, the Water Resources Development Act, federal appropriations, and federal programs affecting the coast. We operate at the highest levels of government to ensure even the smallest communities are recognized in the federal process.
Originally founded in 1996 by Howard Marlowe, the coalition was formed to address opposition from Presidential Administrations towards beach nourishment and coastal restoration. Today, coastal engineers widely recognize the importance of healthy beach and dune systems for their vast protection of both man-made and natural resources, as well as their importance to local economies.
For the past 40 years, the founders of the ACC have fought to cement policies that improve the resilience of coastal communities, protect the environment, and support local business and tourism. Through your continued support for our efforts and the support of our member communities, we are dedicated to ensuring the economic and cultural prosperity of coastal America that drives tens of millions of people to live, work, and vacation.
Our Accomplishments
ACC staff have a dedicated history of representing over 150 communities on coastal projects involving federal agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, FEMA, NOAA, USFWS as well as Congress and the Executive Branch. We have helped award over $1.1 billion in federal funding to address coastal storms and flooding through beach nourishment, stormwater improvements, raising roads, and elevating homes and utilities.
We Connect Coastal Leadership From Across The Country
The American Coastal Coalition brings together our
ACC Champions
Federal, State, and Local Legislators
Member Communities
Individual and Grassroots Membership
Federal and State Agencies
Small Business
Environmental and Corporate Partners

Our Commitment To The Coast
Engineering with Nature
We prioritize engineering with nature to take advantage of eco-friendly solutions to combat erosion and restore coastlines to protect coastal communities and natural habitats.

Helping Coastal Economies Thrive
We create a forum for coastal community leaders to help drive tourism and build local business in their communities.
Preserving Coastal Heritage
Join us in our mission to protect what we all cherish. Whether you're a local, a business owner, or just someone who loves the coast, your voice matters. Together, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for our coastal communities.